
Udhar Khata Book Cash Book Ledger Book Len Den APK 1.3.3

Free BillingCash BookProforma InvoiceAccounting

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Udhar Khata Book Cash Book Ledger Book Len Den APK is a free Android app developed by Free BillingCash BookProforma InvoiceAccounting. It aims to revolutionize the traditional udhar khata book or ledger book used for bookkeeping in India by combining it with the convenience of smartphones and the Internet.

This app offers various features to enhance the bookkeeping experience, such as sending payment reminders for udhaar collections, preventing losses, and facilitating easy repayment for customers by linking their UPI accounts. With VCredit, businesses can efficiently manage debit and credit transactions, search by party name or phone number, and send account statements for complete transparency.

Available in multiple Indian languages and English, VCredit is known by different regional names, making it a versatile tool for businesses across India. Its digital bahi khata register empowers shopkeepers with a seamless hisab kitab experience, allowing them to efficiently manage ledger accounts, send payment reminders, and collect online payments.

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  • Business & Productivity Android

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